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Homeopathy And Epidemics"Dr. Harman Kaur Kalsi"

Homeopathy And Epidemics
Homeopathy And Epidemics

In Present scenario when Novel Corona Virus is prevalent in our society it is important to understand homeopathy and epidemics.  Epidemic diseases  are acute diseases that affect many persons, with very similar sufferings from the same cause. These diseases generally  become infectious when they prevail among thickly congregated masses of human beings. Each and every epidemic is a peculiar one, though they have identical origin. Like any other acute disease when left to itself they terminate either in death or recovery of the patient. The term pandemic indicates when higher number of people affected in much larger geographical area than epidemic.

Homeopathy And Epidemics
Homeopathy has been used to treat epidemic diseases since  the time of Hahnemann. Homeopathy has been a boon to the patients of scarlet fever, typhus fever, yellow fever, pneumonia, cholera, influenza, hepatitis, dengue, leptospirosis and conjunctivitis during the time of pandemic  and epidemics.From its earliest days homeopathy has been  treated epidemic diseases with a substantial rate  of success, especially  when compared to conventional  treatment of the day.

One of the earliest tests of homeopathic system was in the treatment of typhus fever (spread by lice) in an 1813 an epidemic which followed the devastation of Napoleon's army marching through Germany to attack Russia, followed by their retreat. When the epidemic came through Leipzig,  Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy was able to treat 180 cases of typhus with mortality rate of 1.5% this at a time when conventional treatments were having a mortality rate of over 30%.
In 1830 cholera epidemic was reported coming from east, Hahnemann was able to identify the stages. When cholera finally struck in Europe in 1831, the mortality rate under conventional treatments  was 40% and Dr. Quinin london reported mortality  rate with homeopathic treatment as 7-10%.
Homeopathy continued to be effective in the treatment of epidemic cholera, in 1854 a cholera epidemic struck London here mortality rate with conventional treatment was 59% and with homeopathic treatment  was 9%. 

During 1850, there were several epidemics of yellow fever in southern states. The disease was eventually  found to be transmitted by mosquito. Mortality with allopathic care in yellow fever was between 15 to 85%. Holcome, a homeopath reported in 1853 a mortality of 6.43% in Natchez. In 1878 the mortality  in new Orleans was 50% under allopathic care and 5.6% with homeopathic care in cases of yellow fever.

Another epidemic disease treated  with homeopathy was Diphtheria. In record of three years of Diphtheria in New York from 1862- 1864 there was report of 83.6% mortality rate among allopaths and 16.4% mortality  rate among the homeopaths. The most recent use of homeopathy in major epidemic was during influenza (Spanish flu) Pandemic of 1918. The journal of Americal Institute for homeopathy, may, 1921 had a long article about use of homeopathy in flu epidemic. At that time allopathy had mortality rate of 28.2% while flu when treated  with homeopathy  had a mortality rate of 1.05%.Then during previous century , there were polio epidemic in mid 1950's. The homeopathic doctors and pharmacists prescribed lathyrus sativa 30C as a prophylactic and thousand of doses were distributed nobody register a case of contagion. 

From the above it is evident that homeopathy and epidemics have a history and homeopathy has been very effective in treating epidemics during 19th and early 20th centuries and will also play its part in novel coronavirus treatment in 2020.

Presently, novel coronavirus pandemic is prevailing in world which is also called Novel Covid-19 .
Corona viruses are single stranded enveloped RNA viruses that infect a wide range of hosts including humans, bats, birds and other mammals  .Novel Coronavirus is a zoonotic disease i.e. disease transmitted between animals and humans.

1. In 2002 there comes SARS-CoV transmitted from cats in china causes severe acute respiratory  syndrome.
2. In 2009 , H1N1 influenza.
3. In 2012 there was MERS-CoV (middle east respiratory syndrome) transmitted from camels in Saudi Arabia.
4.Presently n 2019 and 2020,  Novel corona virus or COVID-19 started from Wuhan, china; known to have spread from bats.The Novel corona virus  has incubation  period  2-14 days.The Novel corona virus  primarily spreads through droplets of saliva or discharge  from nose when an infected person coughs of sneezes.

Novel Corona Virus Symptoms:- 
Wide range of symptoms are cough, fever and shortness of breath. However fatigue,  sputum production, myalgias, sore throat, headache, nasal congestion and nausea/vomiting/ diarrhoea have also been reported. Other symptoms include rhinorrhoea, chest pain, conjunctival congestion, throat congestion, tonsillitis, lymphnode enlargement, rash, dizziness, anorexia, abdominal pain may also  be present. The elderly and those with comorbid conditions i.e. cardiovascular disease,  diabetes mellitus,  chronic respiratory disease, and cancer are at higher risk .

Management of case is divided into 2 types

1. Prophylactic management
It includes hygiene and cleanliness, social distancing, quarantine, healthy life style.

2. Case management
 Its done according to case i.e. suspected, mild or severe case. 
 It includes separate isolation of patient, adequate rest, medicinal treatment,  oxygen therapy.

General management includes 
1.General community awareness and education to avoid transmission;avoid social gathering.
2. Maintain 1 metre distance between yourself and others.
3. Thoroughly and regularly wash your hand with alcohol based  hand rub or wash with soap and water.
4.Use of tissue to cover mouth during sneezing and coughing. Dispose the tissue immediately and wash your hands
5. Practice respiratory  etiquette i.e. coughing into flexed arm.
6. Avoid touching of face and mouth.
7. Stay home
8. Keep up to date on latest information  from trusted sources, such as WHO or your local and national health authorities.
9. Take good nutritious diet, regular exercise to maintain good health.
10. Most importantly  take care of your mental health, don't panic or don't take so much stress, do meditation.

Each and every epidemic disease is  different  from the other and every episode of epidemic has to be treated  by a homeopath as the new one.After  examining several individual cases in that area, remedy has to be selected bases on the entire totality  selected from group of people.  This can be termed as group totality, from this totality a suitable "genus epidemicus" is selected.Genus  epidemicus is the remedy selected homeopathically to those diseases in which several people have similar sufferings from the same cause. This genus epidemicus  can be used not only as a curative, but also as a preventive against this particular  epidemic only.

Homeopathy Medicines For Novel Corona Virus Treatment
Some homeopathic medicines selected by various stalwarts are Camphor, chinnimum muriaticum Grindelia , Senega, Sticta, Bryonia, Antimonium tart, Arsenicum album, influenzinum. One of the renowned stalwart of homeopathy Dr. Rajan Sankaran consider Camphor 1 M as curative as well as preventive medicie for this epidemic in various areas of Iran and Italy.
CCRH of AYUSH ministry of India has selected Arsenicum album 30 as prophylactic remedy against
Novel Coronavirus Treatment in 2020 In various trials and studies  conducted  by various institutions it is found Arsenicum album 30 works as preventive homeopathic medicine boost our immunity to fight the disease and also helpful in patients who are in panic state. It is given 2 globules (size 30 no.) morning and evening for 3 three days only. 

In study of homeopathy and epidemics ,according to the principles of homeopathy i.e. laws of similar,  curative  remedy is  according to the individuality of the patient, which is different for every individual. It depends upon what signs and symptoms are present at that time. A homeopathic physician does not consider the name of the diseases for treating  the diseases as the old school does, but he treats every patient as an individual  based on his peculiar symptoms. it is also advised that  homeopathy medicine should be taken only after consulting and under supervision of homeopathic physician .


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