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Indian Currency System

                              Indian Currency System

   India is among the first countries which issued currency. Indian currency system is a well established currency system.Indian Rupee is a well known currency around the world as it is used in India so it automatically makes it one of the most used currency around the world in accordance to population of India. With it there are various laws/acts and facts related to Indian currency system. With this article we are publishing few interesting and important  laws/acts and facts related to it. During the though times of covid-19 and enforced Lock down the discussion is about financial emergency lets study Indian currency system briefly.

History Of Indian Currency System. 
It was around 6th century when in India currency  was issued. It was among first nations to issue currency along with wen in China  and some other countries. 

Who Is Authorized To Prints Indian Currency Notes . 
Reseve Bank Of India-RBI is authorized to issue and circulate Indian Currency in denomination from 2 to 2000. These denominations are signed by Governor of RBI. 

One Rupee Is Printed By Finance Ministry. 
Finance Ministry is authorized  to print/issue one Rupee. But its circulation is also done by RBI. One rupee coin is not signed but one rupee note is signed by Finance minister. One of the reason why ONE RUPEE is not issued by RBI is section 24 of Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 which do not empower  RBI to issue currency of denominations of one. It does not bear the words''I bear to pay the bearer''

Reserve Bank Of India Act, 1934
Indian currency is regulated, issued, circulated by Reserve Bank of India and Reserve Bank of India is regulated by Reserve Bank Of India Act, 1934 so we want to understand functioning of Indian currency  we will need to go through Reserve Bank Of India Act, 1934.  

Indian  Coinage Act, 2011
Indian coinage act is enacted to regulate miting, circulation and regulation of coins in India.  Indian  Coinage Act, 2011 has replace Indian The Indian Coinage Act, 1906
Interesting And Important Features 

Section 5 states that person cutting or destroying a coin shall pay the sum equal to face value of coin. 

Section 9 if any person authorized by government believes that coin is counterfeit  he may by himself of by engaging some other person destroy  the coin and bearer shall bear the cost. 

No person shall have in possession of coins more than reasonably required. 

No person shall melt or destroy the coin in any manner. 

No person shall use any metal as coins or currency unless issued under The Coinage Act, 2011.

No person shall exchange the coin for value more than its face value. 

New coinage act has been introduced  to curb the illigal practice that was found in eastern parts of country where indian coins were smuggled to Bangladesh where shaving blades where made from Indian Coins
Penalty provisions in The Indian Coinage Act, 2011
Sections 12,13,14 of The Indian Coinage Act, 2011 provides for very stict penal provisions where contraventions may result into imprisonment upto seven years with fine. 

Indian currency system and Indian Penal Code. 
Burning Indian Currency  is punishable under Section 477 of Indian Penal Code(IPC) 

Which Indian currency is accepted in Nepal
All Indian Currency notes are accepted in Nepal. Indian Currency is also accepted in most parts of Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar most because of huge trade with these countries and is legal tender in Zimbabwe. 
Indian Currency System is one of the oldest currency system of human civilization and has shown path to currency system globally. Even though Indian currency system is looking toward digital/online currency  system but the present currency system will evolve with time. 

It is clear from the above article that Indian  Coinage Act, 2011 and Reserve Bank Of India Act, 1934 are two very important acts which regulate printing,  regulation and circulation of Indian currency .Indian currency system is very important topic for PSC exams and for interview  for any post in RBI and Banking sector.


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