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Showing posts from June, 2020

What is medical jurisprudence?

What is medical jurisprudence? Medical Jurisprudence Medical jurisprudence also commonly known as forensic medicine and legal medicine .In plain words It can be said that to be associated with detection of violent crimes. That means it is branch of  science which uses principal of science for purpose of law.So medical jurisprudence or forensic science is application of scientific principal's to civil and criminal law to advance justice. For example opinion of hand writing expert's,Opinion regarding injury and weapon used to cause such injury, postmortem report and opinion regarding time of death are example of forensic science in field of law. Medical Jurisprudence and Andrew Ducan(1744-1828) Credit for systematic growth of medical science is given to Andrew Ducan who was professor of institute of medicine at the university of Edinburgh who also persuaded government to establish medical police . Medical Jurisprudence and it's development in India. Medical...

Can a divorce be amicable?

Amicable Divorce Amicable Meaning. The word Amicable means displaying a friendly and pleasant manner. In respect of term Amicable Divorce it means opting for divorce and settling divorce in a friendly and pleasant manner. Can Divorce Be Amicable? Basically one can get a decree of divorce by two ways first by contesting a divorce case in court secondly by mutual consent .When a divorce is obtained by mutual consent by displaying friendly manner or gesture to your spouse that is known as getting a divorce amicably .Amicable divorce means when both the parties husband and wife agree for divorce mutually without contesting their divorce in court and agreeing for divorce in a friendly manner.So the answer is yes divorce can be amicable and it is gaining popularity as couples are opting for a amicable divorce. What Is A Amicable Divorce. When husband and wife decide to mutually dissolve their marriage without contesting it in court in a friendly and pleasant  manner...