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Can a divorce be amicable?

Amicable Divorce
Amicable Divorce
Amicable Meaning.
The word Amicable means displaying a friendly and pleasant manner.
In respect of term Amicable Divorce it means opting for divorce and settling divorce in a friendly and pleasant manner.

Can Divorce Be Amicable?
Basically one can get a decree of divorce by two ways first by contesting a divorce case in court secondly by mutual consent .When a divorce is obtained by mutual consent by displaying friendly manner or gesture to your spouse that is known as getting a divorce amicably .Amicable divorce means when both the parties husband and wife agree for divorce mutually without contesting their divorce in court and agreeing for divorce in a friendly manner.So the answer is yes divorce can be amicable and it is gaining popularity as couples are opting for a amicable divorce.

What Is A Amicable Divorce.
When husband and wife decide to mutually dissolve their marriage without contesting it in court in a friendly and pleasant  manner is known as a amicable divorce.

Benefits Of Amicable Divorce

Dissolution of marriage results in devastation , depression and social trauma to both husband and wife they both suffer socially and economically .By getting a amicable divorce they can restrict their sufferings.

Amicable divorce can result in cordial relation between husband and wife after divorce.

Amicable divorce is economical as both the parties will not have to pay heavy litigation fees charged by their lawyers.

Proceedings in court take very long time but getting a divorce decree on amicable grounds makes the  process of separation  easy and in quick time.

There could be better negotiations on jointly owned  property and permanent alimony

There could be better negotiation for future of children's.

A divorce can have devastating effect on children's and in case of contested divorce the animosity between parents can lead to mental agony in children's and that can bring many side effects to them.By getting divorced amicably parents can lessen there children's suffering's.

How To Initiate A Amicable Divorce
It is always found that the relatives  of husband and wife also suffer during the period of divorce proceeding .When a divorce proceeding is initiated in court there are always relatives and friends that have good and cordial relation with both  husband and wife .Once you have decided to initiate a amicable divorce instead of lengthy legal proceedings in court or during a legal proceeding in court if you want to initiate amicable divorce. Your's relative's or friends having cordial relation with both the sides can initiate talks for amicable divorce and can play a vital role in it.

Word by Bharata Law
Yes, Amicable divorce has been on the rise in society. Couples these days have become more practical in respect of seeing there future and in marriage and they also do not shy away from  taking a decision on ending there marriage when they can evaluate that there marriage is not going to work.Divorce was seen as a ill word in our society but with time divorce is now not seen as a ill word .When it is clear that marriage will not work opting for a amicable divorce is a better choice than fighting a divorce case.


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