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Career options after LL.B

Career option after LL.B
Career option after LL.B
What are Career option after LL.B  comes to our mind if we are pursuing LL.B.It also strikes our mind if we are at a stage when we have to decide weather we should  pursue Ll.B course. so let us discuss about LL.B and career options after LL.B

LL.B-Lex Legum Baccalaureus
Lex Legum Baccalaureus is the Latin Terminology  Also Known as'' Bachelors of law’s''(LL.B).Can be persuaded after any Graduation degree or after 12th ,It is a three years course after graduation. Candidate should have 50% Marks(45% for st/ sc )to be eligible for LL.B course
Apart from three year course LL.B can be persuaded after 12th  in Five Year Integrated course. It is done in B.A.LL.B , BB.A.LL.B , B.Com.LL.B , B.Sc.LL.B , B.S.E.LL.B

Career options after LL.B 

In the list of career options after LL.B first is to get enrolled as Advocate .After Getting a degree in LL.B you can get your self registered as a Advocate and have a career of a professional .For this after LL.B u will have to clear (A.I.B.E) -All India Bar Examination held by Bar council of India.  Bar council conducts A.I.B.E all India level ,After that u can practice as a Litigant Advocate in Indian courts.
Tax Consultant/Tax Advocate
After LL.B you can pursue a career in field of Tax consultancy.There is huge scope in field of tax consultant and it provides you good reputation in society with good Income.

I.B.P.S-Institute of Banking Personnel Selection.
Post –Special officer Law for bank
When ever I.B.P.S conducts a exam for selecting personnel for posts in  banks ,  It conducts exam for a special post SPECIAL OFFICER LAW for law graduates..Special officer law are recruited by Banks for advice on Legal Matters.

JAG-Judge advocate journal
Eligibility 60% Marks in LL.B , Max age 27 years
This is a post in Indian army for law graduates  in which appointment is made by direct S.S.B interview without any entrance exam., After u fill the form if u are short listed on percentage basis  S.S.B Calls u for interview. S.S.B Service Selection Board conducts  interview for screening candidate for Indian military forces . S.S.B interview is a five day long Interview in two is a very good option to pursue for law students .Very few law graduated actually know about this option.

A.D.P.O / Assistant District Prosecution officer
Assistant prosecution officer exam which are conducted under different name in different states like Assistant district attorney exam-ADO,assistant prosecution officer exam APO
Eligibility  LL.B Degree ,
A.D.P.O conducts cases from prosecutions side in Magistrate Courts.Exam In present exam is conducted in two stages .stage -1 optional exam and stage 2 interview.

Working as Advocate for multinational company company
Multi national companies also recruit Advocates to assist them in legal Matters and offers handsome package with a post of Legal adviser. Legal advisers take care of legal matters and take decisions  regarding legal matters like merger ,Trademark,copyright and etc.

Examination for judicial services / Civil judge class 2 / ADJ Additional District judge
The judicial service is the cream career option for which students pursue LL.B .Judicial services provide secure and comfortable graduates . at present the exams are conducted state wise.
All law graduates are  eligible for exams of civil Judge class 2 . Which is held in Three stages ,optional exam,subjective exam then interview.Eligibility criteria for ADJ is you have to be a law graduate and a Indian citizen with seven year experience as a lawyer and completed the age 35 years but before 45 years.
Different states have different exam formats for example In Haryana judicial service exam is a open book exam like  A.I.B.E 

Career in teaching /Assistant professor
In Career option after LL.B  Law graduates can pursue LL.M and seek a career in teaching ASSISTANT PROFESSOR after appearing in NEET exam .There are large number of law universities seeking for qualified personals to teach in law faculty,as no of students pursuing LL.M is quite low ,therefore lies a opportunity for law students to pursue teaching as a carrier,because even private law universities recruit NEET qualified law graduates which are very less in number.


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