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What Is All India Bar Examination.

What Is All India Bar Examination
What Is All India Bar Examination

What is all India Bar Bar Examination ? All India Bar Examination - A. I. B. E, is conducted by Bar Council Of India on all India level. After getting a law graduate degree if u want to get yourself enrolled as a Advocate under Advocates act u will have to clear this exam. Only after clearing this exam u will be eligible to get yourself enrolled as an Advocate and practice as an Advocate in India.

What is All India Bar Examination
All India Bar Examination is objected to make sure that well qualified and prepared Advocates take up legal profession and set a standard for a law scholar to qualify as a legal provisional. It aims to maintain quality in field of Advocacy. 

Exam Pattern of All India Bar Examination
All India Bar Examination is a objective pattern exam. Answers are filled in O M R answer sheet. Each question carries four options among those u have to choose right answer. 
All India Bar Examination is for 100 marks of 100 questions.
All India Bar Examination is a open book exam. That means u can carry your books in exam hall and utilize them to find answers.
All India Bar Examination papers are in different sets, set a, set b,  set c. mostly ninety percent of questions are same in all sets but are arranged  in different sequence. 
Time allotted for All India Bar Examination is three hours. 

Open Book Exam- All India Bar Examination
All India Bar Examination is a open book exam. That means u can carry your books, hand written notes, bare acts, study material(All hard copies) and u can find answers from them. 
No mobile or electronic gadgets are allowed. 

 All India Bar Examination Syllabus 
Before every All India Bar Examination  Bar council issues fresh syllabus but mostly syllabus remains same with addition or removal of one or two subjects. 
All India Bar Examination  syllabus is as follow

Subject                       -                      Marks
Administration Law                            3 marks

Arbitration Act                                   4 marks

Company  Law                                   2 marks

C. PC                                                  10 marks

Cr.PC                                                  10 marks

Constitution                                        10 marks

Cyber Law                                           2 marks

Evidence Act                                       8 marks

Family Law  (Hindu, Muslim)            8 marks

I. P. C                                                   8 marks

Intellectual Property Rights                2 marks

Labour Law and Industrial law           2 marks

Land acquisition Act                           2 marks

Law of Contract+Specific
relief Act+N. I Act                               8 marks

Law of Torts+M. V Act
+Consumer Act                                    5 marks

Taxation Laws                                      4 marks

Public Interest Litigation                      4 marks

Professional Ethics +B C I Rules          4 marks

Each year syllabus is changed  but very little. As students can see that major portion of All India Bar Examination comes from I.P.C + C.PC + Cr. P.c+Evidence Act+Constitution  that is approximately 46 marks or 46 questions so students should focus mainly on these subjects.

Negative Marking All India Bar Examination
In All India Bar Examination there is no negative marking for giving wrong answers. 

All India Bar Examination How Many Times 
In a Year
All India Bar Examination is proposed to be conducted twice every year. Mostly it is conducted around June and December. 

 All India Bar Examination Study material
Bar Council of India has provided official study material for All India Bar Examination and is available online in two volumes it deals subjectively on imp topics in syllabus. U can download PDF and get it printed. These study materials are really helpful for preparations. 

Passing Marks in all India Bar Examination
To pass All India Bar Examination u will have to score 40 marks. At time of examination will hear different rumors a about passing marks and criteria. But passing marks are same for general, ST, SC, O B C that is 40 marks out of hundred. 

Attempts allowed in All India Bar Examination
There is no restrictions on number of attempts or upper age limit for appearing in All India Bar Examination. That means u can appear for any number of times in All India Bar Examination. 

When is result of All India Bar Examination Declared? 
All India Bar Examination result is declared approximately  after two months of exam.

 All India Bar Examination book
We would suggest Bare Acts, Previous years solved question papers, All India Bar Examination study material. we are of strong opinion that students should carry all the Bare acts of subjects covered in All India Bar Examination bare acts are really helpful to find answers in exam hall. Students should thoroughly go through bare acts before exam. We would like to also make it clear that books will not be provided in exam hall students  will have to carry there own books. 

How to register for All India Bar Examination
Students will have to register online for All India Bar Examination. By going official site of All India Bar Examination that also provides every information and guidance  required to register for All India Bar examination.

We would also like to suggest students that they should  attempt all the questions as there is no negative marking .Attempting all the questions and having  a pre-planned strategy to attempt all the questions is a key to  crack/pass All India Bar Examination . After Clearing  All India Bar Examination  all career options after LL.B will be open to the students. It is only after clearing  All India Bar Examination students will get Certificate to practice as a Advocate. we hope we have answered clearly what is All India Bar Examination.

Best of luck to all the students preparing for next All India Bar Examination. 


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