What Is Theft. What Is Theft? Theft is offence against property . Which is defined under section 378 of Indian penal code. In-simple words we all understand theft as crime of talking away someone's property which we also call stealing.It is considered as a immoral act.with this article let us understand legal aspect of theft in preview of Indian Penal Code. Section 378 -Indian Penal Code "Whoever, intending to take dishonestly any movable property out of the position of any person without that person' s contest, moves that property in order to such taking ,is said to commit theft." Elements Of Theft. From the above definition it is clear that there are 5 elements of theft . 1. Dishonestly. 2. Movable property. 3. Out of possession. 4. Without consent. 5. Movement of property. All the above 5 elements should be proved to held a person guilty under section 378 Indian Penal Code. In a particular case even if four elements have been prove...
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