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Showing posts from May, 2020

What Is Theft?

What Is Theft. What Is Theft? Theft is offence against property . Which is defined under section 378 of Indian penal code. In-simple words we all understand theft as crime of talking away someone's property which we also call stealing.It is considered as a immoral act.with this article let us understand legal aspect of theft in preview of Indian Penal Code. Section 378 -Indian Penal Code "Whoever, intending to take dishonestly any movable property out of the position of any person without that person' s contest, moves that property in order to such taking ,is said to commit theft." Elements Of Theft. From the above definition it is clear that there are 5 elements of theft . 1. Dishonestly. 2. Movable property. 3. Out of possession. 4. Without consent. 5. Movement of property. All the above 5 elements should be proved to held a person guilty under section 378 Indian Penal Code. In a particular case even if four elements have been prove...

How To File A Complaint Case In Court..

 In India police and it's way of working has always been under scanner and always criticized .It is often seen under political influence and social influence police has always had a reputation of serving favors .That results in non registration of FIR by police  . When police refuses to file an FIR on our information or after lodging a fir refuses to proceed with our FIR the remedy left to us is to file a complaint case .With this a question hits our mind that is how to file complaint case in court. What should be done if police refuses to lodge an Fir If police refuses to lodge an Fir or proceed after lodging an FIR the remedy available is to file a complaint case in court. But before that a complain about inaction of police should be addressed to superior office (superintendent of police)Complaint case is filled under chapter XV Of Crpc . In Indian criminal justice system a complaint case will be regulated under following acts. 1.I.P.C-Indian Penal Code. 2.Cr.Pc-...

How to prove a 498a case ?

How to prove a 498 a case?  This question strikes every mind that has or there loved one's have faced cruelty for demand of dowry. Demand of dowry is very prominent in our society and has been haunting our society from very long time now. It was evidently seen that young women were subjected to cruelty to get demands of dowry fulfilled. That also resulted in suicide or homicide of young married women. That forced legislature to amend I.P.C and introduce a new chapter XXA 498a. These days it is quite  evident that society is trying to stereotype 498 a cases as false cases. But there could be no denial that venom of section 498 a is still prevalent even though section 498 a I.P.C has played a very vital role in curbing venom of Dowry demand but venom of dowry demand is still evident in society. Thus punishment should be served to people still demanding and harassing wife's for dowry. So question arises how to prove 498 a case.  How to prove 498 a case To pro...

What are different types of companies ?

What are different types of companies?                                                                What are different types of companies?What is company law?Are the basic queries which are made by most of law students and people who associate initially with companies. This article aims to give a brief idea about it . What is Law ? Law is a set of rule decided by a particular statement for the purpose of keeping peace and security of society, Simply it means rules and regulations to compliment a particular work. Numbers laws in India:- As of Jan 2017 their were about 1248 laws approximately. However, since there are large number of central laws as state laws, it is difficult to ascertain their exact number.. Company Law : Companies in India are regulated through the companies act 1956 (repealed law)...

Homeopathy And Epidemics"Dr. Harman Kaur Kalsi"

Homeopathy And Epidemics In Present scenario when Novel Corona Virus is prevalent in our society it is important to understand homeopathy and epidemics.  Epidemic diseases  are acute diseases that affect many persons, with very similar sufferings from the same cause. These diseases generally  become infectious when they prevail among thickly congregated masses of human beings. Each and every epidemic is a peculiar one, though they have identical origin. Like any other acute disease when left to itself they terminate either in death or recovery of the patient. The term pandemic indicates when higher number of people affected in much larger geographical area than epidemic. Homeopathy And Epidemics Homeopathy has been used to treat epidemic diseases since  the time of Hahnemann. Homeopathy has been a boon to the patients of scarlet fever, typhus fever, yellow fever, pneumonia, cholera, influenza, hepatitis, dengue, leptospirosis and conjunctivitis durin...

How to fight false 498a case.

                                         How to fight false 498a case How to fight false 498a case. .           How to fight false 498a case comes to mind when you are booked under section 498a IPC.     Initially under section 498 a if a wife made a complain that she is subjected to cruelty for demand of dowry.  All the in laws were booked under section 498 a IPC and arrested  that to without any initial inquiry. That initially  helped the society to fight the demon of dowry demand but subsequently  Section 498a Ipc became a tool in hands of women/ wife to tame there husbands so they dance to there tunes. That saw a tremendous rise in false cases also under section 498 a. Thus Supreme Court had to step in issue directions so that false cases can be curbed and social fabric of the society can be safeguarded....

Indian Currency System

                              Indian Currency System    India is among the first countries which issued currency. Indian currency system is a well established currency system.Indian Rupee is a well known currency around the world as it is used in India so it automatically makes it one of the most used currency around the world in accordance to population of India. With it there are various laws/acts and facts related to Indian currency system. With this article we are publishing few interesting and important  laws/acts and facts related to it. During the though times of covid-19 and enforced Lock down the discussion is about financial emergency lets study Indian currency system briefly. History Of Indian Currency System.  It was around 6th century when in India currency  was issued. It was among first nations to issue currency along with wen in China  and some other ...