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Showing posts from April, 2020

Treatment Of Covid-19(Corona virus) By Ancient Indian Practices.

It is quite evident that we will have to live in society along with Covid-19 (Corona virus) for very long period and it will be a new normal. With this there comes a challenge to deal with Covid - 19(Corona virus) on daily basis. Thus WHO (world health organization)  has also issued guidelines for maintaining social hygiene these guidelines are very crucial in managing Covid -19(Corona virus) hence should be followed  very strictly. As experts have pointed out that around 80%of  Covid - 19(Corona virus) patients will have mild symptoms of Covid-19 there immunity will automatically recover from the virus. There will be large no of patients those will be asymptomatic they will have no effects of virus.  As India is a country which has always had a strong belief in ancient methods of treatment with herbs,  spices ancient practices have always found space in our lives. Now the question arises can Covid -19(Corona virus) treated with ancient Indian practi...

Classification of offences in India.

Classification of offences in India.  Criminal procedure Code (Cr. P. C)  is the main procedural code of India  and it classifies  every offence  in Indian Penal Code. Classification of offences India done by  Cr. P. C under following heads namely (1)Compoundable non compoundable (2)Bailable, non bailable (3) Cognizable, non cognizable. For better understanding of penal provisions and procedural law it is very important to understand these categorizations. These topics are also very important form academic  point of view as most of competition exams cover these topic especially cognizable and non cognizable offences. Classification of offences in India. Compoundable and Non Compoundable Offences Section 320 Cr. P. C Compounding of offenses is provided in section 320 Cr PC . In simple language Compoundable offences means the offenses in which the victim/complainant can enter into a compromise with accused and agree to drop charge...

Financial Emergency In India Article 360.

Financial Emergency  In India Article 360. In recent times where the country is under lock down to fight  epidemic disease Novel covid-19 and most of Economic activities are at hold. Country is looking at economic crises like never before. Question arises that weather we are looking at Financial Emergency.So in this current situation of  Curfew/Lockdown  , lets understand Financial Emergency  In India Article 360.. Types of Emergency  Recognized In Constitution of India.  Constitution of India in chapter 39 ''THE EMERGENCY  PROVISIONS ''  Emergency is categorized under following three heads.  National Emergency Article 352 State Emergency Article 356 Financial Emergency Article 360  What Is Financial Emergency in India. When there is threat to nation from financial situation or financial crises  it is a situation of financial emergency and then provisions of financial emergency can ...

What Is All India Bar Examination.

What Is All India Bar Examination What is all India Bar Bar Examination ? All India Bar Examination - A. I. B. E, is conducted by Bar Council Of India on all India level. After getting a law graduate degree if u want to get yourself enrolled as a Advocate under Advocates act u will have to clear this exam. Only after clearing this exam u will be eligible to get yourself enrolled as an Advocate and practice as an Advocate in India. What is All India Bar Examination All India Bar Examination is objected to make sure that well qualified and prepared Advocates take up legal profession and set a standard for a law scholar to qualify as a legal provisional. It aims to maintain quality in field of Advocacy.  Exam Pattern  of All India Bar Examination All India Bar Examination is a objective pattern exam. Answers are filled in O M R answer sheet. Each question carries four options among those u have to choose right answer.  All India Bar Examina...

Difference Between Lawyer, Advocate , Barristers and Public Prosecutor etc.

              It has been seen that even law scholars get confuse and think lawyer, Advocate, and Barrister all are synonym/same .But in reality all these terms are not same ,all these terms have a different meanings.It is also been seen law students and people in general get confused between these day to day used terminology like Lawyer ,Advocate ,Barrister,Public Prosecutor ,Advocate general,Attorney general, Solicitor General, Advocate on Record .With this article we are trying to explain these commonly used terminology  in the simplest possible language.So u can differentiate between a Lawyer, Advocate, Barrister, Public Prosecutor etc. Difference Between Lawyer, Advocate ,and Barristers  etc. Lawyer A person who gets a law graduate  degree is a lawyer. In simpler words it can be said that  a person who has studied law and has a degree in law is a lawyer. Advocate A lawyer who clears A. I. B. E All India Bar Exam...