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Important Sections of Indian Penal Code.

Important Sections Of Indian Penal Code
Important Sections Of Indian Penal Code.
 How to study Indian Penal Code and what are important sections of Indian Penal Code is the question which strikes every student who is about to study Indian Penal Code .How to chalk out a strategy to study Indian Penal Code. Biggest challenge  comes across is that Indian Penal Code has humongous syllabus of 511 sections .Question arises  whether all the sections are  important for academic syllabus  or are there  some sections or portion which are more important than other portion or sections for academic syllabus or even for understanding of Indian Penal Code. So here with this blog we suggest a strategy on how to study Indian Penal Code and what are Important Sections of Indian Penal Code..

I.P.C - Indian Penal Code Enacted in Year 1860
Indian penal code is criminal law which is applicable to whole of India including Jammu and Kashmir also now after abrogation of article 370 in year 2019. Indian Penal Code has 511 sections in total and is the substantial criminal law of   India.

Are all the sections important in I.P.C for academic syllabus and competitive exams.
Yes,all the sections of Indian Penal Code are important but for academic purpose there are few sections which are more important than the rest of the syllabus .This  selective portion of Indian penal Code is the most important portion which is mostly covered in most of academic and competitive examination .This selected portion of Indian penal code has to be studied before rest of the syllabus.
Important sections of Indian penal code.
According to our academic experience and practical knowledge we here by chalk out the selective portion of Indian penal code.  Important sections which are more important than the rest of the syllabus and every student when he studies Indian Penal Code should first target these sections and study the sections very carefully as these are also very important for general understanding of Indian penal code

List of Important sections of Indian penal code.
Section 21-Public Servant
Section 23-Wrongful loss & Wrongfully Gain
Section 24-Dishonestly
Section 34-Common Intention
Section 45-Life
Section 76 to section 85- General Exceptions
Section 96 to Section 106-Private Defense
Section 107 to 111- Abatement
section 120 A &Section 120 B - Criminal Conspiracy
Section 121- Waging War Against the State.
Section 124 A- Sedition.
Section 141 to 149-Unlawful Assembly
Section 159-Affray
Section 191 to 193- False Evidence and Offence Against Public Justice.
Section 211- False charge of offence made with intend to injure.
Section 216-Harboring Offender
Section 294-Obscene acts and songs.
Section 299- Culpable Homicide.
Section 300- Murder
Section 304 A - Causing Death By Negligence
Section 307-Attempt to Murder.
Section 319 to Section 333
Section 340 - Wrongful Confinement.
Section 341- Wrongful Restrain.
Section 349-Force
Section 353-Assault or criminal force to deter public servant from discharge of his duty.
Section 354-Assault or criminal force against women.
Section 375&Section 376- Rape
Section 405- Criminal Breach of trust.
Section 408 - Criminal Breach of trust.
Section 405 to 420 - Cheating
Section 378 to Section 399 - Offence Against property(Theft,Robbery,Extortion and dacoity )
Section 425 - Mischief.
Section 442- Criminal Trespass.
Section 463 to Section 471 -Forgery-offence relating to document.
Section 493 to Section 498- offence against marriage.
Section 498 a -Dowry Demand.
Section 499- Defamation.
Section 503& Section 506- Criminal Intimation.
Section 511-Punishment for attempting to commit offence.

How to study a particular section or topic Indian Penal Code
Relating to every crime there are elements of that crime which are covered in Indian Penal Code . For academic purpose understanding the definition and elements under that given section are to be understood.when those elements are proved the crime is proved.

A Word from Bharatalaw
Focusing on selected portions of syllabus which is above mentioned list of Important sections of Indian penal code will help you to gain better understanding of Indian Penal Code. And most of competitive exams and Academic Exams target these above mentioned Syllabus of Indian Penal Code.


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